April 1, 2021
April 1, 2021
(Via Zoom)
Call to Order Chairman Sauget
Public Comment on Agenda Chairman Sauget
Review 2/4/21 Meeting Minutes Chairman Sauget
Systems Development & Oversight Committee Report Matt Jones
Marketing & Economic Development Committee Report Paul Ellis
Youth Council Report Larry McLean
Operations Report Rick Stubblefield Matt Jones
Quarterly Services Report
Financial Reports
Belleville One-Stop Move
Voting Items Chairman Sauget
2/4/21 Meeting Minutes
Youth Contract Proposals….
IWT Projects…..
The next MAWIB meeting will be April 6, 2021 @ 8:30AM
(Via Zoom Technology)
Mid America Workforce Investment Board
Executive Committee Meeting
April 1, 2021
Present: Staff:
Rich Sauget, Jr. Rick Stubblefield
Tony White Matt Jones
Ken Keeney
Larry McLean
Paul Ellis
Chairman Rich Sauget, Jr. called the meeting to order at 8:31A.M. After hearing no public comment, Chairman Sauget presented the 2/4/21 minutes for review and discussion (to be voted on as part of Consent Agenda). Next, Matt Jones reported for the Systems Development & Oversight Committee. The committee met via Zoom on March 23rd and the minutes are included in the packet. The committee spent a lot of time discussing the new Belleville One-Stop as well as the MOU budget (which will be discussed later and brought to a vote under the Consent Agenda). Next, Paul Ellis presented the Marketing & Economic Development report. The committee met on March 24th via Zoom and the minutes are in the packet. Paul reported that the committee discussed the marketing plan and the possibility of an SIUE intern. The group also welcomed Eric Schauster, Assistant Director of Economic Development, Planning & Zoning with the City of Belleville, to the committee. Chairman Sauget also suggested that the marketing and outreach efforts be directed to the Council of Mayors and he will follow up with the contact information. Next, Larry McLean presented the Youth Council report. The council met on March 25th via Zoom and Larry referred the Executive Committee to the minutes as presented in the packet. Larry summarized the performance discussion, which will be covered under the Operations Report, as well as the SWIC and MERS youth contract proposals. It is the council’s intent to still bring more of the youth services in-house but at this time, despite a few concerns, the best option is to approve the contracts for PY 21’. Larry and Matt concluded the report by going over the proposal numbers as outlined in the meeting packet.
Next, Matt started the Operations Report by presenting the Performance Report, noting that some measures are currently not being met due to the higher goals recently implemented by the state as well as a data lag and needed data entry improvement by the youth service providers. However, the numbers have improved since the last board report in February. The current goal most in need of improvement is still the Youth Measurable Skills Gain, which is also a new goal this program year. Brenda Boggs and Cassandra Ellis have had numerous discussions with the providers regarding the Measurable Skills Gain as well as other performance issues. Matt also presented the Quarterly Services Report, highlighting a decrease in the numbers versus this time of year, which is due mostly to COVID-19 and the closure of the resource room. In addition, the financial reports and the grant expenditures are looking good as of the end of March. Matt presented the proposed PY 21’ MOU budget for the new Belleville One-Stop and noted that there is a small increase overall for the partners, noting that the partners met via Zoom last week and unanimously agreed to the new budget. For the board membership update, it was reported that Susan Chapman-Schultz with the Department of Rehabilitative Services has been promoted and soon will be replaced on the board by Shawana Mills. The committee also agreed to George Evans, President of Kaskaskia College, joining the MAWIB but due to the current composition of the membership will not be joining until Fall 2021. Matt also informed the committee that Cindy Layman of the Workforce Development group was recently promoted to the position of Assistant Program Coordinator. The committee also discussed future meetings and decided that the July meetings would still be held via Zoom and that the fall meetings could possibly be held in person at the new Belleville One-Stop. The last item under the Operations Report was the proposed Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) projects at Terra Source Global in Belleville ($96,000) and Ultra Play in Red Bud ($25,200). After a few questions and a brief conversation, Chairman Sauget moved on to the Consent Agenda.
For the Consent Agenda, Chairman Sauget presented each of the following voting items for review and consideration:
1. 2/4/21 Meeting Minutes
2. MOU Budget
3. Youth Contract Proposals
4. Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Projects: Terra Source Global and Ultra Play
Larry McLean made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items, it was seconded by Paul Ellis and the items were unanimously approved.
After a reminder about the MAWIB Zoom meeting being moved to Tuesday, April 6th @ 8:30A.M. and with no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Sauget at 9:25A.M.