July 15, 2021
Mid America Workforce Investment Board –
Youth Council Committee Meeting
July 15, 2021 @ 9:00 a.m.
Call Meeting to Order
Public Comment on Agenda
Review and Approval of Minutes from March 25, 2021 meeting
Provider Updates
New Initiatives, Success Stories, etc.
The next Mid America Workforce Investment Board meeting will be Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. and will be conducted via Zoom technology
Youth Council
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Staff:
Larry McLean (Chair) Brenda Boggs
Ken Keeney Cassandra Ellis
Barb Cempura Cindy Layman
Vicki Niederhofer Lee Reese
Felecia Jones Matt Jones
Hilary Wagner (MERS)
Larry McLean called the meeting to order at 9:00A.M.
With no public comment, Larry asked for a motion to approve the March 25, 2021, meeting minutes. A motion to approve was made by Ken Keeney and seconded by Vicki Niederhofer. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Next, For Provider Updates, Brenda Boggs presented the Youth Report and highlighted some of the enrollment numbers and missing data due to recent St. Clair County IT issues related to the shared drive. Following up on the report, Hilary Wagner from MERS discussed some of the shortfalls in their enrollment numbers and ways to address outreach and working within the outlying counties. Brenda also commented that the Paid Work Experience (PWE) numbers from MERS continue to be strong. Reporting on performance measures that closed out on June 30th, Brenda stated that all youth (and adult) measures were met or exceeded (also noting that 12 of the 22 workforce areas throughout the state are in “Fail” status). Matt also thanked Brenda, Cassandra Ellis and the rest of the staff & providers for their hard work in achieving this goal. Next, Brenda and Cassandra reported to the council members that the workforce development group just wrapped up state monitoring & there was only 1 minor observation regarding the youth program.
Next, Brenda mentioned that she was confident that the youth enrollment numbers were already looking favorable in PY 21, already receiving 5 to 6 new enrollments. She also provided a success story about a youth customer in the MERS in-school program that was tutored by Tracy Bozarth and also commented on the new youth program partnership with the Columbia school district. Matt informed the committee that the youth services will need to go through the RFP process in Spring 2022. He also reported that Lisa Atkins, Adult Education Director at SWIC and manager of the WIOA youth services, is retiring at the end of July. She will be greatly missed but still hopes to stay involved with the MAWIB and Youth Council in her new role at the ROE. Lee Reese, Regional Apprenticeship Navigator, gave an update on a few initiatives including the Belleville West Bridges Program, District 201’s upcoming CTE training facility at King’s Point and the Soulcial Food Truck Apprenticeship program.
In closing, Matt reminded the council that the next MAWIB meeting will be July 29th @ 8:30AM & will be held via Zoom. With no further discussion, Larry asked that the meeting be adjourned at 9:31A.M.