February 10, 2022




February 10, 2022 @ 8:30 a.m



  5. Systems Development & Oversight Committee, Lee Reese Reporting
  6. Marketing Committee, Paul Ellis Reporting
  7. Youth Council, Larry McLean Reporting
  8. Executive Committee, Chairman Rich Sauget Reporting
  9. WIOA Partner Updates
  10. Operations Report
  11. Performance
  12. Quarterly Service Report
  13. Financial Reports
  14. MOU and One-Stop Operator Cost Allocations
  15. Belleville One-Stop Update
  16. Board Membership Update
  17. Success Stories, Board News, etc.
  18. Consent Agenda
  19. Approval of Minutes from October 14th, 2021, MAWIB Meeting (Zoom)
  20. Youth Council RFP Motion
  21. Approval for Incumbent Worker payments of $53,088.85 to Soulcial Kitchen and $8801.00 to MAC Medical for Mentor wage reimbursements.
  22. IWT Projects
  23. Rainbow International (previously approved by Exec. Committee – needs full board approval)
  24. Stellar Manufacturing
  25. Gasket & Seal Fabricators
  26. Transfer of Funds from 1D to 1A up to the amount of $300,000.00
  27. MOU and Budget Revisions – Already Submitted October 2021

The next MAWIB meeting will be April 7th, 2022 @ 8:30 AM (Via Zoom)





Board Members Present: Eric Brammeier, Edmond Brown, Lynette Drake, Paul Ellis, Cristina Fernandez, Carol Foreman, Matthew Gomric, Mark Hinrichs, Ashley Holmes, Ken Keeney, Larry McLean, George Obernagel, Mike Reed, Donna Richter, Richard Sauget, Jr., Mereadith Shivers, Dawn Swift, Larry Unverfehrt, Vicky Watts McElroy, and Tony White.

Staff Members Present: Rick Stubblefield, Lee Reese, Cindy Lawman, Monik Patterson, Linda Vanderpluym, Cassandra Ellis, Brenda Boggs, and Bonnie Forker.

Guests Present: Mike Conley, George Evans, Kim Keckritz, Brian Mentzer, Vicki Niederhofer, and Eric Schauster.

MAWIB Board Meeting called to order by Chairman Rich Sauget at 8:00 am.

Lee Reese Conducted roll call.

Chairman Sauget asked if there was any public comment. Lee Reese stated that a new Incentive and Student Assistance Policy be added to the Consent Agenda. There was a brief discussion. A motion to add the policy to the Consent agenda was made by Larry McLean and seconded by Ken Keeney. The motion carried with no objections.

Systems Development & Oversight Committee, reporting by Lee Reese. Lee reported that there were no additional updates to the Methods of Administration. The MOU budget discussions will need to start in the latter part of February after Jill VanZandt sends out a preliminary budget from IDES. The One-Stop has opened to the public on an appointment only basis since September 2nd. The One-Stop Operator agreement is in place until June 30, 2022, and an RFP needs to go out in the Spring. The One-Stop certification process has been completed as much as possible until a final walk-through after all the centers in the state re-open to the public. Lee stated that a marketing intern was in the hiring process as a part of the Service Integration Grant. This ended the Systems report.

Due to unstable internet connection for Chairman Sauget, Tony White took over the meeting facilitation.

Marketing Committee, reporting by Paul Ellis. Paul reported on adding new members to the committee (Cassandra Ellis and Eric Schauster). Paul mentioned the Marketing Intern and Rick Stubblefield confirmed that the intern is in the county hiring process. Paul discussed having a regional meeting to market the Board’s services and increase awareness. Paul discussed Vicki Niederhofer, the Labor Market Economist for the Illinois Department of Employment Security’s effort to gather data on businesses in or area that closed specifically due to Covid related issues.

Youth Council, reporting by Larry McLean. Larry reported that enrollment is low and that staff members are working hard to increase enrollment. Larry mentioned the Incentive Policy in the Consent Agenda. Larry discussed a change in service delivery strategies. Larry discussed bringing some services in-house possibly adding two staff members based on availability of funding to administer those services. Larry mentioned that the time to make this decision is now in order to issue an RFP and have enough time to prepare for the change.

Operations Reports, reporting by Rick Stubblefield. Performance is lagging data. Rick stated that the concern was youth measurable skills gains. Rick stated that the information in the packet was printed one week before the Executive Committee meeting and showed 7%, but he reviewed the data this week and the number was up to 35%.

Quarterly Report, reporting by Lee Reese. Lee reported that under the Work-Related Services row, Larry McLean had asked to get clarification on why the number was low this year verses the same period last year. Lee reported that the State said that this was because the data is Lag Data and there was a difference in the way the data is collected and measured. Larry was good with the answer.

Financial Report, reporting by Lee Reese. Lee reported that the financial report looked good with a concern being Youth spending. Lee discussed incumbent worker projects with MAC Medical and Soulcial Kitchen that are in the Consent Agenda and the reason for moving funds to cover those two projects. The was some discussion by Larry McLean and Rick Stubblefield on youth and work-based learning and how moving youth in-house will allow more control. Linda Vanderpluym explained obligations and percentages related to the funding. There was a question as to what services could be funded in youth programs. Lee and Rick replied, work-based learning, paid internships, paid apprenticeships, paid work experiences, supportive service, and education and training. Rick asked Brenda Boggs to put together a list of available resources.

Belleville One-Stop Update, reporting by Lee Reese. One-Stop open by appointment only.

Board Membership Update, reporting by Lee Reese. Board membership packet submitted to the state on 02/04/22.

Success Stories and Board News, reporting by Lee Reese and Rick Stubblefield. Lee had no updates. Rick updated the board that Lee Reese is a WIOA success story and gave an overview of how Lee came to the current position as Program Coordinator.

Tony brought up the Consent Agenda and asked if there were any questions. Hearing none, Larry McLean made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with Ken Keeney seconding the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Tony asked if there were any other questions or comments, hearing none, Tony asked for a motion to adjourn. Mark Hinrichs made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by Edmond Brown. The motion passed unanimously and the Board Meeting ended at 9:05 am.