February 11, 2021




February 11, 2021 @ 8:30a.m.

(Via Zoom Technology)




  1. Systems Development & Oversight Committee, Matt Jones Reporting
  2. Marketing Committee, Paul Ellis Reporting
  3. Youth Council, Larry McLean Reporting
  4. Executive Committee, Chairman Rich Sauget, Jr. Reporting
  5. WIOA Partner Updates


  1. Performance
  2. Quarterly Services Report
  3. Financial Reports
  4. MOU and One-Stop Operator Cost Allocations
  5. Belleville One-Stop Move
  6. Board Membership & CEO Updates


            A. Approval of Minutes from the October 15, 2020 MAWIB Meeting (Zoom)

            B. Revised and Approved MOU

            C. 2 Programs at SWIC – LPN and Accounting

            D. Approve the flexibility to transfer funds (up to $42K) from Out of School Youth

                 to In-School Youth



*Next MAWIB Meeting will be Thursday, April 8, 2021 @ 8:30AM (Format/Location TBD)


Mid America Workforce Investment Board Meeting

February 11, 2021

Meeting Minutes


Members Present:

Richard Sauget, Jr. – Board Chair                               Lisa Atkins                                           Eric Brammeier

Edmond Brown                                                           Lynette Drake                                     Paul Ellis

Lial Field                                                                      Carol Foreman                                    Matt Gomric

Mark Hinrichs                                                             Ken Keeney                                         Chris Klay

Larry McLean                                                              Nick Mance                                         George Obernagel

Donna Richter                                                             Susan Chapman-Schultz                      Dawn Swift

Larry Unverfehrt                                                         Tony White


Rick Stubblefield                                                         Brenda Boggs                                      Cassandra Ellis

Matt Jones                                                                  Cindy Layman                                     Monik Patterson

Lee Reese                                                                    Linda VanderPluym                            


Chelsea Qualls – DCEO

George Evans – President, Kaskaskia College

Mike Conley – Kaskaskia College

Terry Knothe – United Way

Vicki Niederhofer – IDES

Shawana Mills – Department of Rehabilitative Services

Chairman Sauget called the meeting to order at 8:34AM.  Hearing no public comment, Matt Jones took the roll call, checked the Zoom login and stated that a quorum had been established.  Matt presented the Systems Development & Oversight Committee report.  The committee last met on January 26th via Zoom and the minutes are in the packet.  The main points of discussion were about the upcoming Belleville One-Stop move (which will be discussed under the Operations Report) as well as the recent hiring of Rachelle Perkins as the Resource Room Navigator.  Next, Paul Ellis presented the Marketing & Economic Development Committee Report, noting that the committee met via Zoom on January 27th and the minutes are in the packet.  Paul reported that the committee discussed a variety of issues, but most of the meeting time was spent talking about developing and implementing a comprehensive market plan for WIOA services.  He has since reached out to SIUE regarding the possibility of having a student work on the plan.  Larry McLean presented the Youth Council report from the Zoom meeting on January 28th.   Larry reported that the minutes are in the packet and that in addition to updates from Brenda Boggs, Cassandra Ellis and Lee Reese, most of the discussion centered around performance measures (also to be discussed under the Operations Report).  Chairman Sauget gave a re-cap of the Executive Committee minutes from the Zoom meeting on February 4th, including discussion regarding the move of the Belleville One-Stop, the various committee reports, performance measures and the consent agenda items. The next agenda item was WIOA partner updates and Dawn Swift with IDES reported that most of the staff are working remotely and they are still working hard on UI claims and related issues.  Susan Chapman-Schultz also gave a brief update for DRS, noting that they are still working remotely.  Also, Susan reported that Shawana Mills will be taking her position on an interim basis (Susan is being promoted to a Regional Manager position).   Lisa Atkins reported for SWIC, noting that they are still providing much needed services during COVID-19.  For St. Clair County Workforce Development Group, Cindy Layman reported on many work-based learning projects as well as the National Dislocated Worker grant project at the Illinois Center For Autism and the recent rapid response efforts at Deli Star in Fayetteville, which recently was destroyed by a fire.  Lee Reese also stated that ISBE will be providing an update to the Apprenticeship Navigators regarding registered apprenticeship programs.  Matt thanked both Cindy & Lee and also commented on a variety of additional projects centered around work-based learning. 

Matt presented the Operations Report, stating that many of the performance measures were currently failing due to greatly increased goals as well as a data lag and COVID-19.  It is fully anticipated that all measures will be met or even exceeded as with last year and the numbers continue to improve every week. He also briefly discussed the Quarterly Services Report, highlighting that the resource room is still closed to the public but that staff are providing services through a variety of electronic means.   Matt and Linda VanderPluym presented the financial reports and they are all looking positive, but it was mentioned that one of the consent agenda items was the flexibility to move funds from Out of School Youth to In-School Youth (due to an increased number of in-school participants in paid work experience).    The revised MOU, as previously mentioned, was submitted to the state in late October and has since been approved. The revised and approved MOU is on the consent agenda and a letter, signed by Chairman Sauget, will be sent to the state notifying them of the board’s approval. Also, the PY 21’ MOU is due June 30th and the One-Stop Operator Consortium should soon receive the proposed MOU figures for the new Belleville One-Stop location.  Matt and Dawn Swift gave an update on the one-stop’s move to 7650 Magna Drive, which is on schedule to be completed by March 1st.  For membership updates, Matt reported the following changes:  Chris Klay with HSHS St. Joseph’s in Breese recently joined the board (representing Clinton County) and Chris introduced himself to everyone.  Rick Parks with 1st National Bank of Waterloo (representing Monroe County) also has joined the board but was unable to attend today’s meeting.  In addition, there are 3 new CEO’s in the following counties:  Larry Johnson in Clinton County, Vicki Koerber in Monroe County and Dr. Mark Kiehna in Randolph County.  Matt will contact each of the new officials for their signature on the CEO Agreement.

Next, Chairman Sauget presented the following four Consent Agenda items for approval:

1. Approval of Minutes from the October 15, 2020 MAWIB Meeting

2. Revised and Approved MOU

3. 2 Programs at SWIC – LPN and Accounting

4. Approve the flexibility to transfer funds (up to $42K) from Out of School Youth to In-School Youth

After a brief introduction of each item and with no questions or comments on the Consent Agenda items, Larry McLean made a motion to approve, it was seconded by Mark Hinrichs and the items were unanimously approved.

With no additional reports or comments from visitors, Chairman Sauget asked for a motion to adjourn.  The motion was made by Ken Keeney, seconded by Tony White and the meeting was adjourned at 9:16AM.