July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021 @ 8:30a.m.
(Via Zoom Technology)
- Systems Development & Oversight Committee, Matt Jones Reporting
- Marketing Committee, Paul Ellis Reporting
- Youth Council, Larry McLean Reporting
- Executive Committee, Chairman Rich Sauget, Jr. Reporting
- WIOA Partner Updates
- Performance
- Quarterly Services Report
- Financial Reports
- MOU and One-Stop Operator Cost Allocations
- Belleville One-Stop Update
- Board Membership Update
- Success Stories and Board News (Separate Attachment)
A. Approval of Minutes from the April 6, 2021, MAWIB Meeting (Zoom)
B. PY 21’ Budget
C. PY 21’ Training Providers & Programs
D. Updated Training Provider & Program Policy
*Next MAWIB Meeting will be Thursday, October 14, 2021 @ 8:30AM (TBD)
Mid America Workforce Investment Board Meeting
July 29, 2021
Meeting Minutes
Members Present:
Richard Sauget, Jr. – Board Chair Lisa Atkins Eric Brammeier
Susan Chapman Mark Eichenlaub Paul Ellis
Carol Foreman Matt Gomric Ken Keeney
Chris Klay Vicky McElroy Larry McLean
Rick Parks Donna Richter Dawn Swift
Larry Unverfehrt Tony White
Rick Stubblefield Brenda Boggs Cassandra Ellis
Matt Jones Cindy Layman Monik Patterson
Lee Reese Linda VanderPluym
Dr. Marc Kiehna – Chair, Randolph County Board of Commissioners
Bryan Ellis – DCEO
Chelsea Qualls – DCEO
Cristina Fernandez – DHS
Brad Sparks – Southwestern Illinois College (SWIC)
George Evans – President, Kaskaskia College
Mike Conley – Kaskaskia College
Terry Knothe – United Way
Vicki Niederhofer – IDES
Eric Schauster – City of Belleville
Kim Keckritz – Oak Hill Nursing Facility
Chairman Sauget called the meeting to order at 8:34AM. Hearing no public comment, Matt Jones took the roll call, checked the Zoom login and stated that a quorum had been established. Next, Chairman Sauget welcomed Brad Sparks, Dean of Technical Education at SWIC. Brad gave a presentation about the many advanced manufacturing initiatives at the college, including the new Advanced Manufacturing Training Academy being funded by a $7.5 million Rebuild Illinois grant. Matt presented the Systems Development & Oversight Committee report. The committee last met on July 13th via Zoom and the minutes are in the packet. There were many items discussed, most notably the public reopening of the Belleville One-Stop (which will be discussed under Partner Updates & the Operations Report). Next, Paul Ellis presented the Marketing & Economic Development Committee Report, noting that the committee met via Zoom on July 14th and the minutes are in the packet. Paul reported that the committee discussed a variety of issues, but most of the meeting time was spent talking about the marketing/outreach plan as well as the possibility of an SIUE intern and a future WIOA Zoom presentation to many of the area’s local economic development contacts. Next, Larry McLean presented the Youth Council report from the Zoom meeting on July 15th. Larry reported that the minutes are in the packet and that most of the discussion was about performance as well as the recently signed PY 21’ youth provider contracts. Larry also commented that at the October council meeting there will be continuing discussions about bringing more of the youth services in-house. Chairman Sauget gave an overview of the July 22nd Executive Committee meeting, including discussion regarding the current board membership, the various committee reports, performance measures and the consent agenda items. The next agenda item was the WIOA partner updates and Cindy Layman & Lee Reese with The Workforce Development Group reported on a recent meeting at the Soulcial Food Truck Apprenticeship Program in Swansea. Dawn Swift with IDES reported that the Belleville One-Stop is planning a “soft” public reopening, by appointment only, on August 23rd. IDES is working with the Workforce Development Group & the other one-stop partners on safety and security issues ahead of the reopening date. Lisa Atkins from SWIC Adult Education informed everyone that the 30th would be her last day and that she was going to work for the St. Clair County Regional Office of Education. After everyone thanked Lisa for her hard work, dedication and partnership, Susan Chapman gave a brief update for DRS, noting that their staff is still working remotely at this time.
Matt presented the Operations Report, reiterating that all of the performance measures were met or exceeded and again giving the staff full credit for this accomplishment. Matt also presented the Quarterly Services Report before turning it over to Linda VanderPluym for an overview of the financial reports and the PY 21’ budget. With no questions for Linda, Matt reported that MOU, budget and all required signatures were turned in on time and that a letter from state will be forthcoming. Citing that the one-stop update had already been covered in previous reports, Matt noted two new board membership changes: As previously mentioned, Lisa Atkins is leaving SWIC and that will leave a future opening for an adult education representative. Also, Angela Hubbard with DHS has moved on to another position within the agency. After consulting with the regional DHS contact, Cristina Fernandez will replace Angela Hubbard on the board effective August 1st. Cristina is the Local Office Administrator for Randolph & Monroe Counties and after being welcomed to the board, introduced herself to everyone on the Zoom. Matt concluded the Operations Report by referencing the numerous success stories, WIOA newspaper articles, activities and board member news items in the packet. After welcoming any additional comments from board members and guests, MAWIB member Rick Parks noted that the First National Bank of Waterloo just opened it’s 13th location.
Next, Chairman Sauget presented the following four Consent Agenda items for approval:
1. Approval of Minutes from the April 6, 2021 MAWIB Meeting
2. PY 21’ Budget
3. PY 21’ Training Providers & Programs
4. Updated Training Provider & Program Policy
After a brief introduction of each item and with no questions or comments on the Consent Agenda, Paul Ellis made a motion to approve, it was seconded by Tony White and the items were unanimously approved.
Rick Stubblefield, Executive Director of St. Clair County Intergovernmental Grants Department, thanked the workforce development group, the board and the partners for meeting & exceeding the performance measures and for providing quality services during the pandemic. After a brief discussion regarding the October meeting and with no additional reports or comments from visitors, Chairman Sauget asked for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made by Ken Keeney, seconded by Larry McLean and the meeting was adjourned at 9:27AM.