February 4, 2021




February 4, 2021


(Via Zoom)

Call to Order                                                                                       Chairman Sauget

Public Comment on Agenda                                                              Chairman Sauget

Review 10/8/20 Meeting Minutes                                                      Chairman Sauget

Systems Development & Oversight Committee Report                    Matt Jones

Marketing & Economic Development Committee Report                 Paul Ellis

Youth Council Report                                                                         Larry McLean

Operations Report                                                                               Rick Stubblefield                                                                                                                                Matt Jones


            Quarterly Services Report                                                     

            Financial Reports


            Board Membership & CEO Update

            Belleville One-Stop Move

Voting Items                                                                                       Chairman Sauget

10/8/20 Meeting Minutes

Revised and Approved MOU

2 Programs at SWIC – LPN and Accounting

Approve the flexibility to transfer funds from Out of School Youth to In School Youth

The next MAWIB meeting will be February 11, 2021 @ 8:30AM

(Via Zoom Technology)


Mid America Workforce Investment Board

Executive Committee Meeting


February 4, 2021

Present:                                                                                                           Staff:

Rich Sauget, Jr.                                                                                                Rick Stubblefield

Tony White                                                                                                     Matt Jones

Ken Keeney

Larry McLean

Paul Ellis

Chairman Rich Sauget, Jr. called the meeting to order at 8:31A.M.  After hearing no public comment, Chairman Sauget presented the 10/8/20 minutes for review and discussion (to be voted on as part of Consent Agenda).  Next, Matt Jones reported for the Systems Development & Oversight Committee.  The committee met via Zoom on January 26th and the minutes are included in the packet.  The committee was notified that the new Resource Room Navigator, funded through the Service Integration Grant, was officially hired for the Belleville One-Stop.  Her name is Rachelle Perkins and her first day was January 25th.  The committee also talked about the upcoming One-Stop move to 7650 Magna Drive (which will be discussed under Operations Report). Next, Paul Ellis presented the Marketing & Economic Development report.  The committee met on January 27th via Zoom and the minutes are in the packet.  Paul reported that the committee discussed a variety of issues, but most of the time was spent talking about developing a comprehensive marketing plan for WIOA services. Paul has since reached out to SIUE regarding the possibility of having a student work on the plan as part of a class project. Next, Larry McLean presented the Youth Council report.  The council met on January 28th via Zoom and Larry referred the Executive Committee to the minutes as presented in the packet.

Next, Matt started the Operations Report by presenting the Performance Report, noting that some measures are currently not being met due to the higher goals recently implemented by the state as well as a data lag and needed data entry improvement by the youth service providers.  The current goal most in need of improvement is the Youth Measurable Skills Gain, which is also a new goal this program year. Brenda Boggs and Cassandra Ellis have an upcoming Zoom meeting with the providers and will discuss the Youth Measurable Skills Gain goal as well as other issues.  Matt also presented the Quarterly Services Report, highlighting a decrease in the numbers versus this time of year, which is due mostly to COVID-19 and the closure of the resource room.  The financial reports and the grant expenditures are looking good, however there could be a need to transfer up to $42K from Out of School Youth to In-School Youth and that will be included as a voting item under the Consent Agenda.  Also included on the Consent Agenda is the approval of the revised MOU, which was accepted and approved by the state in October.  Next, Matt gave an update on the 3 new board chairs in Clinton, Monroe and Randolph counties and noted that new CEO acknowledgement signatures would be required by the state.  Also, the MAWIB is complete with the additions of Chris Klay with HSHS in Breese (representing Clinton County) and Rick Parks with 1st National Bank of Waterloo (representing Monroe County).  Concluding the report, there was a discussion about the Belleville One-Stop move to its new location, which is scheduled to occur by March 1st.  The new facility will be very spacious with plenty of parking and the bus will stop at the front door.  The partners are still waiting on MOU cost-sharing data from IDES but have been assured that the cost will be very comparable to the current MOU agreement.

For the Consent Agenda, Rich presented each of the following voting items for review and consideration:

1. 10/8/20 Meeting Minutes

2. Revised and Approved MOU

3. 2 Programs at SWIC – LPN and Accounting

4. Approve the flexibility to transfer funds (Up to $42K) from Out of School Youth to In-School Youth

Paul made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items, it was seconded by Ken Keeney and the items were unanimously approved.

After a reminder about the MAWIB Zoom meeting on February 11th and with no further business to discuss, Rich asked for a motion to adjourn, it was made by Larry McLean, seconded by Tony White and the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Sauget at 9:09 A.M.