July 22, 2021




July 22, 2021


(Via Zoom)

Call to Order                                                                                       Chairman Sauget

Public Comment on Agenda                                                              Chairman Sauget

Review 7/22/21Meeting Minutes (Consent Agenda Item)                Chairman Sauget

Systems Development & Oversight Committee Report                    Matt Jones

Marketing & Economic Development Committee Report                 Paul Ellis

Youth Council Report                                                                         Larry McLean

Operations Report                                                                               Rick Stubblefield                                                                                                                                            Matt Jones


            Quarterly Services Report                                                     

            Financial Reports


            Board Membership Update

            Belleville One-Stop Update

Consent Agenda/Voting Items                                                           Chairman Sauget

1) 7/22/21 Meeting Minutes

2) MAWIB 2022 Meeting Calendar

3) Additional Training Programs:

SIUE – Computer Science

SWIC – Pharmacy Tech

St. Louis College of Health Careers – LPN

4) Youth Council RFP Motion

The next MAWIB meeting will be July 29, 2021 @ 8:30AM

(Via Zoom Technology)


Mid America Workforce Investment Board

Executive Committee Meeting


July 22, 2021

Present:                                                                                                           Staff:

Rich Sauget, Jr.                                                                                                Matt Jones                             

Tony White                                                                                                     Cindy Layman                        

Ken Keeney

Larry McLean

Paul Ellis

Chairman Rich Sauget, Jr. called the meeting to order at 8:34A.M.  After hearing no public comment, Chairman Sauget presented the 4/1/21 minutes for review and discussion (also to be voted on as part of Consent Agenda).Ken Keeney made a motion to approve, it was seconded by Larry McLean and the minutes were unanimously approved.  Next, Matt Jones reported for the Systems Development & Oversight Committee.  The committee met via Zoom on July 13th and the minutes are included in the packet.  The committee spent a lot of time discussing a variety of issues, including the projected “soft opening” of the Belleville One-Stop in August.  Details are being worked out for the center to be open by appointment only as early as August 23rd. Next, Paul Ellis presented the Marketing & Economic Development report.  The committee met on July 14th via Zoom and the minutes are in the packet.  Paul reported that the committee discussed the marketing plan as well as recent outreach efforts through newspaper articles in the BND and Illinois Business Journal.  He also commented that he is hoping to have a marketing intern from SIUE in the fall.  Next, Larry McLean presented the Youth Council report.  The council met on July 15th via Zoom and Larry referred the Executive Committee to the minutes as presented in the packet.  Larry summarized the discussion, highlighting that the staff and providers successfully met or exceeded all performance measures and that PY 21’s enrollment numbers appeared to be off to a good start.  He also mentioned that the youth council would be once again revisiting the idea of bringing more youth services in-house and that these discussions would start again at the October meeting. 

Next, Matt started the Operations Report by presenting the Performance Report, again noting that all of the measures were met or exceeded as of 6/30/21.   Matt also presented the Quarterly Services Report and the Financial Reports as well as the PY 21’ Budget (which will be voted on as part of the Consent Agenda).  He also noted that the MOU and all supporting documentation was turned in by the state’s deadline.  For the board membership update, Matt mentioned that Lisa Atkins would be leaving SWIC’s Adult Ed Department effective at the end of July and that Cristina Fernandez with DHS FCRC would be replacing Angela Hubbard, who has moved on to another position within DHS.  In closing the Operations Report, Matt reiterated the information about the Belleville One-Stop’s reopening in August.  Next, Chairman Sauget moved on to the Consent Agenda.

For the Consent Agenda, Matt Jones discussed the items, most notably the Training Providers and Programs as well as the updated policy (pertaining to the state’s new demand occupation training list).  After a brief discussion, Chairman Sauget presented each of the following voting items for consideration:

1. 4/1/21 Meeting Minutes

2. PY 21’ Budget

3. PY 21’ Training Providers & Programs

4. Updated Training Provider & Program Policy

Paul Ellis made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items, it was seconded by Ken Keeney and the items were unanimously approved.  After a reminder about the next MAWIB meeting, on July 29th @ 8:30AM (location and format TBD), Chairman Sauget asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  A motion was made by Ken Keeney, seconded by Larry McLean and the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Sauget at 9:21A.M.