January 28, 2021
Mid America Workforce Investment Board –
Youth Council Committee Meeting
January 28, 2021 @ 9:00 a.m.
Call Meeting to Order
Public Comment on Agenda
Review and Approval of Minutes from October 1, 2020 meeting
Provider Updates
New Initiatives, etc.
The next Mid America Workforce Investment Board meeting will be Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. and will be conducted via Zoom technology
Youth Council
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Staff:
Larry McLean (Chair) Brenda Boggs
Ken Keeney Cassandra Ellis
Barb Cempura Lee Reese
Vicki Niederhofer Matt Jones
Felecia Jones
Hilary Wagner – MERS Goodwill
Larry McLean called the meeting to order at 9:01A.M.
With no public comment, Larry acknowledged that Hilary Wagner with MERS Goodwill had joined the meeting as guest. Next, Larry asked for a motion to approve the October 1, 2020, meeting minutes. A motion to approve was made by Ken Keeney and seconded by Vicki Niederhofer. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Next, For Provider Updates, Brenda Boggs presented the Youth Report and informed the committee that despite COVID-19 and a few provider staffing changes, the enrollment numbers were looking favorable at this point in the program year. After a brief discussion regarding participant recruitment in the outlying counties as well as the upcoming 2021 provider contract negotiations, Brenda explained the new performance measures that were recently finalized and put into place. Larry asked that a full performance report be included in future Youth Council meetings (currently presented to the Executive Committee and full MAWIB). Cassandra Ellis concluded the reporting by giving an update on the status of her current file monitoring and also stated that she and Brenda would be having a Zoom meeting with the training providers next week to discuss a variety of topics.
Under New Initiatives, Cassandra reported that she is gathering ideas and information for a future social media presence as a way to recruit and communicate with youth participants. Brenda also mentioned some of the new paid work experience sites as well as a few youth success stories. Larry thanked them both for the information and asked Lee Reese, Regional Apprenticeship Navigator, for an update. Lee mentioned that there are many projects in the pipeline including efforts to work with local high schools on their agriculture and CTE programs.
With no further discussion, Larry asked that the meeting be adjourned at 9:35A.M.