March 25, 2021
Mid America Workforce Investment Board –
Youth Council Committee Meeting
March 25, 2021 @ 9:00 a.m.
Call Meeting to Order
Public Comment on Agenda
Review and Approval of Minutes from January 28, 2021 meeting
Provider Updates & PY 21’ Contract Proposals
New Initiatives, Success Stories, etc.
The next Mid America Workforce Investment Board meeting will be Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. and will be conducted via Zoom technology
Youth Council
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Staff:
Larry McLean (Chair) Brenda Boggs
Ken Keeney Cassandra Ellis
Barb Cempura Lee Reese
Vicki Niederhofer Matt Jones
Felecia Jones Rick Stubblefield
Larry McLean called the meeting to order at 9:00A.M.
With no public comment, Larry asked for a motion to approve the January 28, 2021, meeting minutes. A motion to approve was made by Vicki Niederhofer and seconded by Ken Keeney. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Next, For Provider Updates, Brenda Boggs presented the Youth Report and after running through the updated numbers, commented that SWIC is on target to hit its goals by the end of PY 20’ (June 30th) and that MERS is a bit behind, especially in Washington, Monroe and Randolph counties. After a lengthy discussion regarding the issues in the outlying counties and possible recruitment strategies, Brenda led a discussion on performance measures. After contrasting the new performance goals versus last year’s goals, she also highlighted the updated status of the youth measures and the fact that most of the workforce areas throughout the state are also failing the same measures. Vicki suggested that the workforce development group reach out to LWIA 20, who is the only workforce area currently meeting or exceeding all measures, for any helpful suggestions. After wrapping up the discussion regarding performance issues, Larry asked Matt to present an overview of the PY 21’ contract proposals from both SWIC and MERS. After going over the proposal details and total funding requests (SWIC-$165,000 OSY, MERS-$80,397.06 ISY/$257,129.13 OSY), Matt turned it back over to Larry & the council members for any additional questions or comments. With no further discussion, Larry asked for a motion to approve both PY 21’s contract proposals. Ken made a motion to approve, it was seconded by Vicki Niederhofer and the proposals were unanimously approved.
Next, Brenda provided a success story for a youth customer in SWIC’s program that is participating in a paid work experience program at a local law office. Cassandra Ellis reported that she is in the process of completing a monitoring review of youth participant files. Lee Reese, Regional Apprenticeship Navigator, gave an update on a few initiatives including mobile lab system designed to provide career pathway information to youth throughout the region.
In closing, Matt reminded the council that the next MAWIB meeting had been rescheduled from April 8th to April 6th @8:30A.M. & will be held via Zoom. With no further discussion, Larry asked that the meeting be adjourned at 9:52A.M.