September 30, 2021


Mid America Workforce Investment Board –

Youth Council Committee Meeting

September 30, 2021 @ 9:00 a.m.


Call Meeting to Order

Public Comment on Agenda

Review and Approval of Minutes from July 15, 2021 meeting

Provider Updates/PY 22 Discussion



New Initiatives, Success Stories, etc.

The next Mid America Workforce Investment Board meeting will be Thursday, October 14th, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. and will be conducted via Zoom technology


Youth Council

Meeting Minutes



Attendees:                                                                                                                               Staff:

Larry McLean (Chair)                                                                                                              Brenda Boggs

Ken Keeney                                                                                                                             Cassandra Ellis

Barb Cempura                                                                                                                         Cindy Layman

Vicki Niederhofer                                                                                                                    Lee Reese

                                                                                                                                                Matt Jones     

Larry McLean called the meeting to order at 9:02A.M. 

With no public comment, Larry asked for a motion to approve the July 15, 2021, meeting minutes.  A motion to approve was made by Ken Keeney and seconded by Barb Cempura.  The minutes were unanimously approved.

Next, For Provider Updates, Brenda Boggs presented the Youth Report and highlighted some of the enrollment numbers.  She also commented on the youth enrollment numbers most likely increasing for MERS because of possible referrals from the Belleville 201 Bridges Program.  Larry next led a discussion regarding the current performance of the youth providers as well as the youth allocation and the council’s desire to continue moving forward with bringing more youth services in-house.  After much discussion, Larry presented a motion as follows:  The Youth Council recommends the use of the upcoming RFP for in-school and out of school youth services to start the process of moving services in-house.  Barb Cempura made a motion to approve, it was seconded by Ken Keeney and the motion was unanimously approved to go forward to the MAWIB Executive Committee and full board. 

For the Performance Report, Brenda noted that 3 of the 5 youth measures are already being exceeded in the first quarter.  Brenda and Matt also reiterated to the committee that as in previous years, performance is an ongoing process and it can take multiple quarters to finally reach meet or exceed status.  For monitoring, Cassandra Ellis stated that she recently concluded the August monitoring of participant files and it went well.  In addition, Matt reported that the DCEO programmatic and fiscal monitoring was concluded with a final response letter last month.  There were no findings, only a few “areas of concern” with non-formula grants.  Brenda and Cassandra also presented the committee with 2 youth success stories and Lee Reese reported on a project between Belleville 201 Bridges Program, Belleville Chamber of Commerce, St. Clair County Workforce Development Group and MERS that focuses on developing a pipeline for Bridges youth participants into local restaurant/retail jobs.  There was also additional discussion about the labor shortage issues in the region and looking at possible ways to assist with the related daycare situation.

In closing, Matt reminded the council that the next MAWIB meeting will be October 14th @ 8:30AM & will be held via Zoom.  With no further discussion, Larry adjourned the meeting at 9:56A.M.