Program Overview:
The MAWIB Youth Program provides the following services to youth clients:
- Assistance with earning a high school equivalency certificate
- Job readiness and job placement
- Transitional assistance into postsecondary education, vocational training, or the military
- Assistance with earning a high school diploma
- One-on-one career and educational coaching
- Paid Work Experiences
- Assistance with locating employment
- Individual tutoring
How to Qualify:
- Must be a youth between the ages of 16 – 24
- Residing in St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Washington or Clinton county
- Without a high school diploma
- With a high school diploma or HSE, but having basic skills deficiencies
- Homeless or a runaway
- Pregnant or parenting
- In foster care or aged out of foster care
- Low income – Receiving free or reduced lunch or in a family that receives public assistance
- An offender subject to the juvenile or adult justice system
- An English language learner
- Is certified as disabled
Program Benefits:
- Assistance and support with preparation and testing for the HSE Certification
- Job preparation, e.g., resume creation, mock interview, assistance with obtaining work attire
- Workforce readiness training
- Career and educational exploration
- Transportation assistance
- Assistance with purchasing Illinois Driver’s license or State ID
- Assistance with purchase of college applications, books, fees
- Assistance with educational and/or work-related needs